Ever wanted to travel across the country to hear your favorite songs, support your favorite artists, and be right where the magic happens every night? Get ready to rock! And survive on the least possible amount of... everything. Based on our experience following two different Waterparks tours across the Southwest, here's a helpful list of some of the things you can expect while living the ups and downs of tour life- fan style.

Photo by Yising Kao
1. Your sleep schedule will quickly get absolutely wrecked until you're fueled only by caffeine and adrenaline.
2. You'll somehow survive on one meal a day (probably Denny's) or less, and the weird part is your body will totally get used to it.
3. You'll make a bunch of friends! From Twitter mutuals to people you sit next to in line for hours to the talkative merch girl for one of the opening acts, your social life will never look better. And once tour’s up, you’ll find yourself responding to their Instagram stories with “I MISS YOU!” and crying face/heart emojis until you meet up again at a another show.
4. You'll drive through so many time zones and cities in such a short period of time that you'll start to think time and distance are nothing more than illusions created by mankind.
5. If you're active on social media about your tour endeavor, complete strangers will learn who you are, recognize you, say hi to you by name, and sometimes even ask for pictures (cool!) or ask to cut in line with you (not cool!)
6. You meet just about everyone working the tour. The bands and crew all get to know you and soon you're comfortable enough to joke with the seemingly scary tour manager about wearing the same shirt every day for the past three shows.
7. You develop little on-stage rituals with the performers (like pointing at each other during a certain song lyric every night) and they always look to you to hype them up or catch them when they stage dive.
8. You make lots of valuable music industry connections and realize that networking can be done just as well in a backstage area or venue parking lot than it can be in a boardroom.
9. When it ends, you get a little sad that you'll never be together with the same group of people every night, and realize you now have to spend more money to see all the openers you became friends with on their respective headline tours.
10. You go home broke, exhausted, probably sick... and ready to do it all again.